The Order of the Daughters of the King

Mary Magdalene Chapter
Chartered 2001

The Daughters of the King is a spiritual praying Order for women in the Episcopal Church and churches with the Historic Episcopate. Our mission is the extension of Christ’s Kingdom through Prayer, Service and Evangelism.

The members meet monthly and participate in various retreats and quiet days of prayer throughout the year.

Members meet at the side altar every Sunday after the service for anyone who wishes extra prayers.


Mrs. Yvonne Braggalone
Mrs. Joan DeAcetis
The Reverend Marion Meiss
Mrs. Andrea Parsons
Mrs. Judy Racho
Mrs. Sharon Albright
Mrs. Antoinette Hattingh
Mrs. Rebecca Paletski
Mrs. Roberta Brandreth
Mrs. Eileen Cook
Mrs. Kay Vasinda