Sacraments & Rites

What other Sacraments are celebrated in the Episcopal Church?

In addition to the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Eucharist, Episcopalians also celebrate the Sacraments of Confirmation, Marriage, Ordination (Holy Orders ), Ministration to the Sick and Pastoral Visitation as well as the Rite of Christian Initiation/Reception into the Church.

Sacramental instructions and the setting of dates & times are arranged in consultation with the office at 570-454-6543.


What is Holy Baptism?

Baptism is the means by which we become members of the community of believers, defined in the New Testament as the Body of Christ. Just as Jesus was baptized with water by John the Baptist, we include people in the community of faith by baptizing them with water. Following a series of questions, responses and prayers, the priest pours water on the candidate. The sign of the cross may be made on their forehead with blessed oil. In the Episcopal Church, a person is baptized only once.

Holy Baptism is administered in the presence of the congregation on Sundays. In the Episcopal church there is no specific age at which you should have your child baptized; however we have found that 1-3 months of age works well.
When you are ready to plan your child’s baptism, please contact the parish office at 570-454-6543.

Holy Eucharist (Communion)

What is Holy Communion?

It is a reenactment of the Last Supper Jesus shared with his disciples before his death on the cross. Any baptized person is welcome to share in this meal of bread and wine.

In the Episcopal Church, all Baptized Christians are welcomed at The Lord’s Table. The Lord Jesus Christ calls sinners to turn Heart, Mind, Body and Soul to Him for renewal as we feed on His Broken Body and She’d Blood offered for our Salvation.


There is no specific age requirement for confirmation, but the child must attend classes and understand the meaning of the sacrament. Adults who are new to the Episcopal church are also confirmed in the same manner.


What is Holy Matrimony?

Holy Matrimony is Christian marriage, in which a woman and a man enter into a life-long union and make their promises before God in a worship service.

Persons being married at St. Peter’s must be a member, or marrying a member, in good standing. Pre-marital classes are required prior to receiving the sacrament and are arranged with the rector in charge.

Ordination (Sacrament of Holy Orders)

What is ordination?

Ordination is the sacrament where God empowers trained persons for special ministry as deacons, priests or bishops. The service always includes the laying on of hands by bishops.  Those called to the Order of Diaconate or Priesthood may contact the  Bishop to discuss the discernment process.

Sacrament of Ministration to the Sick and Pastoral Visitation

Please notify the office or Rev. Marion Meiss as needed for the visitation and pastoral care of the ill, hospitalized and homebound.

Rite of Christian Initiation/Reception into the Church

Details of a simple process of exploring, preparing for and celebrating entrance into the Church are available at the parish office.


Family members are asked to notify the church of a death as soon as possible by contacting the office at 570-454-6543.

New Parishioners are always welcome.  All those who are Christian or those seeking the Celebration of Baptism may request registration information and an orientation packet  by making contact with the office at 570-454-6543.